Languages Across the Curriculum (LxC)

The blog is dedicated to news and information regarding the LxC program at Binghamton University

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Conference Announcement: New Tools for Language Learning

The University at Buffalo Educational Technology Center and the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures invite you to attend:

New tools for language learning: beyond the basics (September 30 - October 1, 2005)
120 Clemens Hall, North Campus - University at Buffalo

This two day conference will explore the role of information technologies in second language learning and teaching. Both pedagogical approaches and innovative uses of computer technologies will be discussed. Computer-assisted language learning strategies will be presented by nationally-recognized scholars. Topics will include strategies for distance learning delivery of foreign language instruction for college, high school and non-traditional students at the elementary, intermediate and AP levels. Guest presenters will showcase notable projects in development and use throughout SUNY and at other higher education institutions, such as: MIT, Michigan State, Skidmore, University of Oregon, SUNYs Buffalo, Brockport, Cortland and Potsdam.
Conference details and registration: